Magic | ||
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Magic in the Shadowlands is devided into Levels and Spheres. Levels: There are ten total level
of magis, but mankind with very few exceptions only have the strength to access five of
them. Each level denotes the strength of the spell being cast. First level
spells are easy to cast. They cannot perform great feats and are the easiest to
dispell. Second through fourth level spells gain power and functionality on a fairly
even line. For example damage spells gain one point of damage per level. At
fifth level magic takes a jump in power. These spells are the most advances magics
we know how to control. Above Fifth level is the enchaments the Gods and Legends
weild. There has only been one being in the known history of the Shadow Lands that
cast the greatest of spells, those of the tenth level. That was the Necromancer,
Necronias. Use the Spheres link to see a description of how magic is divided by spell types.
Notes: Find a spot for detect power types |
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