Lady Greywind

You hear the yammering howl of the coyote. It is the call of Grandfather Coyote, the Trickster. He says, “Hear me! This is my descendant, my heir, a child of the water. In their blood courses my blood, the water of life.”

“Her hatred is palpable as she senses one of her jailers enter her new prison. The Restorer and his Druid ally had found her with six other gray spirits in the Mausoleum. She had yearned for freedom from the enchanted crypt’s confines. The Restorer and Druid had freed her from the Mausoleum only to snatch up her bones and toss them into the Forest of the Damned. They thought her nothing more than a minor vampire, an impotent gray spirit, but they knew nothing of her history. They simply called her “the Vamp” but they did not know she was the first vampire of her kind. She is Lady Ardias Greywind, once the matron of her clan, until she was put to death for the practice of witchcraft. She had surreptitiously siphoned off the life essence of her hated adversary, the Matron of the Cerulean Clan.
They had tied a sack of stones to her feet and dropped her into a black watered pond. She had held her breath for as long as she could. As water flooded her lungs, Ardrias’ dying breath burst forth. It was filled with a black curse evoking the dark powers of the Abyss.
In that moment, Ardrias’ life ended but her existence did not. Although Necronias had not yet shattered the Death Gate, an uncommon thing for that era happened; Lady Greywind’s spirit lingered with her drowned corpse. She experienced the soul-death of a vampire but her body, the vessel of her foul spirit, reanimated itself. Her shambling, drowned form broke free, rose from the depths of her watery grave and sought out her family manor.
There in a secret chamber, hidden in the manor’s cistern, she quenched her soul-thirst by drinking the stolen essence of the Matron Cerulean. The temporary infusion of essence masked the signs and weaknesses of her vampirism. For all intents and purposes Ardrias appeared alive, but, as the month passed, so did her seeming reprieve from her death. By the new moon, she appeared undead once more, and her hunger for blood and essence returned. So it was that for years Lady Greywind feasted on the blood and soul-essence of the innocent.
For years, Adrias existed in the shadows of society feeding on the weak and later upon the strong, as she marshaled an army of soul slave minions. She attempted to raise a legion of soul-vampires to enslave the water children but was foiled by an avenging descendent of the Matron Cerulean and her soul was weakened and her body was destroyed. Nevertheless, Lady Greywind’s existence continued. Her physical body died but her undead spirit lived on and on, as a vetala, a vampire –wraith. Over time, her spirit and powers dwindles to almost nothing until she found her gray spirit trapped with six others in the Mausoleum.
In the few months, she has been trapped in the Forest of the Damned and now that she senses the Restorer near she will have revenge.