
You see an exotic looking warrior with armaments and weapons unlike those of your culture. Holding his Moonblade Katana and sitting beside a reflecting pool the samurai appears more at ease and focused than he ever has before. The samurai turns to face you, and bows deeply. You see a snowflake obsidian gem with a golden spider appears in his hand.

“Chells-san. Years ago, this stone bound your spirit and mine together. It bound you to do a service for my sake, and you did. You freed me from the demonic taint of Insanity. I now shudder to think of what has happened in the name of my honor.
“Although I knew the Gambler’s second stood no chance against me in combat, when Glain disgraced himself by not appearing for our duel, I killed his second in order to not lose face. To escape the Wild Woods, I made the woodswoman Harriet swear on her honor to guide me out in trade for my protection. True honor would have insisted I guard a pregnant woman no matter if she wished to aid me or not. My fear of losing the Moonblade to theft prompted me to make Glan McBane, an honest smith, swear the blade would be treated with care.
“The Bane Insanity was truly insidious, while under its influence it has caused me to lose all face and mete out untold harm in the name of honor. I have lost my old home, my old faith, and my honor.
“Since you have vanquished Insanity, my final act of redemption will be to complete the honor debt brought on by the spirit-ties of the Chaos Stone. To that end, I invite you to my pagoda and I will do what I can to fulfill my debt to you. After that is done I ask that you act as my second for the seppuku ceremony. I will send word when you are to visit my pagoda.
He bows deeply as a farewell.