Sigurd the Butcher

You see a blonde, muscular man. He has a handsome but unfriendly face. He stands in his butcher shop chopping his cleaver into a leg of lamb or pork. He is tidy and efficient in his work, almost mechanical. He looks up at you for a moment but then returns his eyes to his work. He continues chopping as he talks.

When will it end, eh? When will you ridiculously dressed ninnies actually stop combing the woods for Bendyth Y Mamu Penny Candies, Faerie Firecrackers, and Uldra Umbrellas? When will you chose an actual productive profession, eh? There is work to be done and you spend your time talking to dead people who can do no work! Idiotic!
Anyways, this deluge of water was good for one thing I used it to clear the drains of quagulated blood. This scroll about the Sanguine Strife appeared as well. See it showed up to me because I can trace back my family line to the Cerulean Family. They were related through marriage to Harginback family who were my grandfather’s people, who… Bah, useless facts, old rubbish from my childhood. I didn’t have any use for the scroll so I wrapped some meat in it.
It seems something of more interest to you than me. Here…

He hands you the soiled scroll and a copy also appears in the Library.