Rayne the Healer

You see what once was a beautiful woman bound to a stone table. A demonic vivisector has disemboweled her. She looks to you with tears in her eyes.

"I am Rayne, the Healer, mother of Ot-Yett. It was up to me and my fellow healers to aid the wounded during the Wizard War. I was a healer for the High Mages. I was a lady in waiting until I met Tintze Silverbox. His family was poorer than mine by far and a part of the mage hierarchy of the Great School. I came from a long line of mages. He came from a long line of tin-peddlers and fish mongers but I fell in love with him and his simple charm. I had avoided every arranged marriage my father forced upon me but I gladly gave up my station and family wealth to be with him.
“Our time together was short and sweet. We had a daughter Ot-Yett and lived happily traveling from town to town him selling his wares and I practicing my healing arts on the sick. Our life was good until I had to return to the Great School. A war had broken out and my brother became lost in one of the battles. I went to seek him and promised Tintze and Ot Yett I would be back soon and safe. I couldn’t keep my promise… Why did I go? I should have been with them when that demon… Please let Tintze know that I forgive him and love him still. I sense him nearby.
“I sense something else as well a mire of disease nearby. It’s horrid. We Great School Healers had a way to counter the disease laden miasmas. Obviously, Oils of Disease warding would fail. You can’t coat your lungs in oil. No, we used… Oh no… the shadow is growing. Take this… “

A page from Rayne’s healer’s codex flutters from her world to yours.
In that moment a shadow falls over the Rayne and she is silenced.
Any further attempts to talk to this Spirit will fail.

The torn page reads:

salve and, if the sores continue for more than three days after treatment, apply a Mogwart-Sawgrass poultice.

Miasmas - Tonic – Some arcane swamps carry foul gasses from rotting flora and fauna that cause horrid diseases. To protect against miasmas, a healer must craft a remedy to shield a patients lungs. This remedy can be applied before or after exposure but if applied after the fact it will not restore damages that the miasma has already done. In that case, other healings must be applied. Because miasmas are generated from wetlands this tonic relies heavily on Water Magics. The ingredient list is for a Miasma-Tonic that can protect two individuals and is as follows –
1 Nymph Reed
2 Water Jewels
1 Jade Willow
2 Pearls of Wisdom

Mix and prepare as you would any standard Class D remedy with an extraction rate of 4. Prepare is copper caldron treated as you would a foil flask extract using the Harady Method of preheating and cooling your utensils. The extract will form hard pellets to be placed in the mouth and held there until dissolved.
** The remedies effectiveness is increased by holding a mouthful of bubbly liquid, such a brown or clear elixir from a Tavern, and then holding the pellets in ones mouth until fully dissolved. **