Pomeroy the Baker

You see a white spirit manifest before you. He appears to be a baker shuffling in a bakery. He is a rotund, middle-aged man who is covered in flour and bearing an oxen yolk with a bucket of water on either end.

“Oh, Hello! I'm Ryecroft Pomeroy. The last name means 'from the orchard', because I come from a long line of apple pickers, like Great, Great Grandpa Gildust. Grandpa Gildust beseeched Melcynda and some of your fellow adventurer to help restore me to health a few winters back. You see me and a few other merchants were killed by a demonic hand that did everything in threes. At the time, it possessed the town simpleton who loved nursery rhymes, so it fused itself onto his hand and killed three billy goats gruff, strangled three kittens in a mitten, blinded three mice to see how they’d run and, of course, killed a Butcher, a Baker and a Candlestick Maker.
“It was a pretty gruesome demise but luckily the hand has been dealt with, hopefully permanently!! Demon-slain folk like me rarely come back from the dead but I’m enjoying this afterlife. Except for me achin’ back!
“Cripes! Tell me who moved the damned Well of Visions! Oh don’t worry I’ll tell you all about it. I was whipping up a batch of Memento Muffins so I went to the well site (see the waters my not so secret ingredient) and this thing is as dry as a bone! Well, I went to speak to that Wren fellow and he’s not home guess he got a case of the BIG DEADS so I risk pestering the Crone and she shows me its new location. She said the flood of Water Magic caused the well to move!
“Eh? You want to know where to? Go ask the Crone! I dare ya!
“Nah, Don’t. There are enough newts in the world as is. I’ll tell ya. Okay take the Forest of the Condemned Road. Go up the rise where they cut the tree but the trunk still sticks out at about eye level. Walk a little bit looking to your right, toward the stream, and you’ll see some long-ago cut-down trees crumbling and covered in moss. Walk over them and right next to the stream is the new well. It’s about 3 times bigger than before and more potent too.
“Here I’ll show you.”

Pomeroy draws a map in the flour. This is what it looks like.