Lady Jane

You see a woman in a gaudily decorated parlor. Although no antiquarian you do notice the knick-knacks and furnishings were chosen for flash not taste. The pieces clash and you can see many are cheap imitations of the real thing. The woman herself is overly primped and over-dressed. There is a palpable desperation to impress others with the grandeur of a station she has not truly attained, nor ever will.

“Oh, how lovely to see you again. Won’t you come in please?” Lady Jane begins to usher you to a seat when her hands begin to tremble with fear. Her façade quickly crumbles as tears stream down her cheeks, causing her rouge to run in red rivulets.
“Forgive me…It’s just…I’m so afraid… It’s Krieg. He was always a worthless bastard, and he supposedly is Dead after fighting the undead to seal the Death Gate. Well yes I know he died the first time at the hands of that horrible goblin. Oh you know the truth… well it doesn’t matter if I killed him or not because now he’s changing into something, someone else, and his…its hunger for me is almost tangible. He wants to destroy me, consume me, and I don’t know where to go, where I can be safe.
“Its hopeless….”