Gwynn Gandergreen

You see a woman in brown and green with shoulder length blonde hair. She is crucified onto a mighty oak tree.

"I am Gwynn, the Woodswarder. I defended the Sepulcher against the forces of the Necromancer until it could be moved into the ethereal realm where it would be safe. When I died I was placed in it with my magic amulet that the Lord of the Wood gave me. My son retrieved it and now there is a new Woodswarder.
“There is strife brewing anew between the sprites and humans. The rupturing of the Nexus of Water will imperil both races. The sprites have lost their portal near Fallenstar and now creatures from the Abyss, like nagas, rusalki, kappa, and vodyanoi, have free passage into the Sprites Realm. The flood also strains the Elemental and Sprite Wards in Fallenstar and introduces numerous terrors from the deep to this region. Peace has just been won will it be so easily lost?
“I fear it will. I heard the town’s Chancellor of Destiny speak. The Chancellor divined that it was something that was a sprite but was not a sprite that shattered the Nexus. Somehow the sprites, or a sprite, or a part-sprite is involved!
“The woods whisper of something else too. I darkness much like that of my captor is about and it is…”

A shadow falls over Gwynn and she is silenced. Any further attempts to talk to this Spirit will fail.