Glain the Gambler

You see a man in black sitting at a table in the Mithril Inn. Many of the old patrons pass by. He holds the five red dice in is hand and cast them across the table.

"It’s gotten darker you know... The Eclipse is almost upon us. I've been dreading this for some time, but I remember a similar time back in 263 just after the heroes returned from the Citadel. It’s good that I am in Moon Wood now, with my friends, except Icarbil, who is still the one of the Corrupted. He cannot be interred here until they have been cleansed. I ask you to finish his quest and put an end to the Plague of the Banes.
“I sense that Kespin was close to a great truth about the Banes when he was reading the Tome of Elements from Circe’s Cache in Crossroads. He started it but you can finish it by understanding what he discovered and bringing that knowledge to the Sanctuary of Water.”
“Speaking of Crossroads does anyone know why Ouija and Circe’s graves were there and, now, are here? Or why Ouija’s grave rests up here with Crodez’s favored?”
“Many questions and secrets. I can’t wait until everybody shows their hands.”