Ghen the Chandler

You see a shop beaming with bright candlelight and filled with rich scented candle smoke. Vats of molten wax slowly bubble as a man strides proudly about his simple shop. He is dressed in the patch-quilt winter garb of a peddler and is hanging a new batch of candles to dry. You notice where once there had been a grisly stump of a severed hand is a new hand made out of malleable, magical wax.

“My deepest thanks to who ever provided the panacea for the fatigue the demon hand had caused! I can get back to work now! I’m starting to feel my usual hearty self so I was able to whip up a batch of magic Buoy Candles of Radiance. What do they do? Well they burn with magical radiance...
“I know that may not sound to exciting but I’d need more time and better health to create more potent candles. Besides, these candles are handy when walking in areas of preternatural darkness, like the Pit or Abyss. The light is visible to you but not the denizens of that realm, so they won’t swarm you like demonic moths. Light is a useful thing. If those Knights of the Thorn hadn’t gotten those blazing flares from the skull-faced guy, they wouldn’t have seen diddly in Night Wood. Yeah, when they opened the Night Gate right there up in Moon Wood, I took a peek in and you couldn’t see a thing without magic light.
With all the water magics available I made them into floating candles. Not only will they float they’ll keep water fiends like Naga, Merro and such at bay. There are some other candles that I saw out there in the woods Blossom Candles of Water Walking. They are flower shaped candles that as they burn they draw out impurities from water. The sprites use them to re-sanctify their realm after demon or undead befoul it. Those could come in real handy!