Falcon Stormshadow the Wayfarer

You see a dark stagnant pond. Rotting fish float in thick beds of algae and scum. In the black waters at the pond’s center, something stirs. A sprite rises to the surface. Tendrils of waterweeds coil around her torso and limbs, and the weeds cruel barbs are sunk into her azure flesh. The skin around the wounds is puckered and raw with plant-poisons. In a pain-filled watery voice,

“I am a wanderer and I walk the ways, whether they be trail and stream or road or rill. The fact I travel in the above as well as the below, led my fellow sprites to dub me the Osprey, she who flies above and dives beneath the waves. Unfortunately, Fentagin was many things, but not an ornithologist, nor a linguist, so he translated osprey as falcon. Falcon became my nom de guerre in the world above. Although joy is hard to feel while bound to the Cask of Night, I rejoice that my spirit now rests in Moonwood. I hope my skills can be of use again.
“Slowly the Apostles of Virtue, the Victims of the Cask of Night, gather here beneath Crodez’s Shielding boughs. Despite the shackles of Mechella, and the agony they cause, I am empowered by the Deluge of Water Magics that have swamped this area. Using them I can hold off the Cask of Woes shadows long enough for us to speak and I was able to find several Chalice-Gates near this town,
Hmmm, I sense you don’t know what Chalice-Gates are. Chalice-Gates are elemental water gates that can transport individuals from one locale to another. They are activated by placing in them the proper magical waters of a Narzynn Pool. I sense six Chalice Gates near this town. Speak to me again if you need guidance but make sure you remember this…
The Chalice Gate to the Nexus of Water is unlocked with Blue Narzynn water
The Chalice Gate to the Bridge of Souls is unlocked with Red Narzynn water
The Chalice Gate to the Black Mire is unlocked with Orange Narzynn water.
The Chalice Gate to the Forest of the Damned uses Yellow Narzynn water
The Chalice Gate to Tolankar’s Treasury is unlocked with Green Narzynn water
The Chalice Gate to the Sanctuary of Water is unlocked with Purple Narzynn water