
You see an attractive woman in charcoal colored robes. Her drab garments don’t compliment her good looks, but she seems heedless of her appearance. She walks the black halls of a gray vault and up stairs lined with skulls. Above the vault’s massive doors, locked with eldritch wards that crackle as she nears, is a sign that reads the Mausoleum. She settles in a small nook filled with books and writing materials when she finally notices your presence and sits bolt upright in horror. She thrusts her hand into her cloak grasping for something unseen than she seems to realize you have made no threatening moves toward her.
“GODS!! Who are you?! And what are you doing skulking around in the shadows!? .... Who? Never heard of you. Are you someone important? No I didn’t think so. From Fallenstar huh? Last I heard of Fallenstar it wasn’t even Fallenstar, just some backwater little hamlet named Hilldale. You’ll have to forgive me I’m not up on current events see I just spent the last four centuries trapped in a magical crypt alone. I was accidently trapped there by my mage-master Jequa the Gatekeeper. I and his other three apprentices were charged with safeguarding the Vaults. When Jequa came under attack by a band of Lowies (our nickname for our fellow Low Mages who chose to rebel), he sealed the portal to the Mausoleum. Of course I was inside the place when he shut the gate so I was pretty screwed, but upstairs I found some potent scrolls like GATE and Death’s Hall. I figured if I could wait it out Jequa would spring me as soon as he could or at least advise me on how to read the scrolls so I could get myself out. Turns out the Gatekeeper, my only way out, gets stabbed in the back by that fucking moron Castieg. This guy had been hanging on me like a leech for years, but then he becomes so distraught because I, his one true love (vomit… retch…), am left to die in the vault, that he helps kill the only guy who can get me out!
Thankfully, Auri Lee found me in the Mausoleum when he was searching for Law and brought me out. Four centuries later, but at least he didn’t put me in the same boneyard as that bone-head Castieg. I chose Moon Wood here because it’s filled with spirits from the Sepulchre and, although they don’t know me, I know quite a bit about them. See there is a mystical conduit between the Mausoleum where I resided and the elven crypt where they dwelled.
I’m hoping that my knowledge of these spirits will get me something I want. What do I want? Forewarning! I’m sick of being scared witless by every cretin who wanders in hear and casts a Seance spell on my bones. I don’t need protection after all I am the apprentice of the Gatekeeper, so I know how to keep myself safe, but, after 400 years alone, it’s a little startling to have someone just burst out of the shadows with no warning. I’ll give you a scroll explaining what I know about the spirits if you vow to get me a few things. I need a Spirit Caller Dust, a Spirit Chime spell, and a small bell. With these I can fashion myself a device to warn me that someone wishes to speak with me before they show up here. You can get them as a group or individually but I need them soon. Do we have a deal?

Contract for an Exchange of Services

In exchange for information about the spirits currently residing in the Moonwood Cemetary, the undersigned agree to procure by legal means: one small bell of standard quality, a vial of Spirit Caller Dust, and a Spirit Chime spell.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________