Dorn the Antiquarian

You see a finely dressed merchant standing amidst an antiques shop. The shelves and tables are filled with a vast, yet well ordered, collection of antiques and oddities.

“Hail, I am Dorn the Antiquarian, broker of fine vintage goods and curios. You may wonder why someone would surround themselves with expensive trinkets and gewgaws. What you may not yet have noticed is how much the possessions that we surround ourselves with reflect the core of our nature and persona. I have learned how to appraise and best utilize enchantments such as the Know Past spells, Psychometry and Identify to read people through their possessions. No item holds its secrets from me for long.
“Although I died in the gods forsaken, backwater boot camp called Crossroads, I was a man of culture, a student of fineries. I missed the hubbub of the townships. The only time Crossroads was exciting was with the discovery of not just one relic, but four, four Arcani. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to study them much before they vanished with that Bane Insanity. Hopefully, if you find any antiques, relics or artifacts you’ll have the good sense to bring them to me first. I will offer my skills to reveal the truth of one of your found items, but don’t bother bringing me woodland treasures like Narzynn Vodka Shots, or Leprechaun Pantaloons. They are not my area of interest. I specialize strictly in personal items of full-sized humanoids, not mass-produced fay trinkets.
“I’d also appreciate any information you might have about any old ruins. Ruins were the reason I came to the Crossroads mudhole. I was hoping Wolf and his Irregulars would clear out the ruins there so that I could study them and to search them for artifacts. Of course, when I tried, all I received for my efforts was a poisoned spear in the back. Please thank Mataar and Moon Bear for transporting me to this graveyard. I am excited to explore this region! Please visit me when you find an item of interest.