Creath Moondrake

You see a young red haired man in green and black. He holds a green book in his hands. He is wrapped in thorny vines that sink into his flesh. Bloody welts cover his body and it is clear that this spirit is in great pain.

"I'm Creath Moondrake, Runeologist of the Great School. It was my task to find the Fay and recorded their rituals for all to use. I hope the rituals were used in a peaceful light, since the Fay are a kind and tranquil race.
“Evil forces have tried to make sure that the Fay and Humans never unite. They have slain the White King and the Lord of the Wood. Now the Nexus of Water is torn and tainted. Please, by all that is Green, stop them! Take this…"

A shadow begins to fall over the Creath. He is silenced and any further attempts to talk to this spirit will fail. As the shadows swallow him, Creath desperately tears one of the pages from his book and thrusts it into your hand. Simultaneously, a duplicate copy appears in the town Library.