Argus the Revenant

You find yourself not staring at a clear spirit but at a disembodied eyeball. What you detected is the clear aqueous fluid of the eye and on its shimmering surface you see a man in black armor. He holds a vicious looking spear in his hand and wears a belt with skulls on it. Although he looks human his eyes are dark and you smell the stench of death. He smiles with sharp jagged teeth as he approaches Fallenstar. As he comes to the wards he pushes his hand through without resistance and then steps through completely. It is dark out and like a shadow he passes without trace until he reaches the Moonwood Cemetery. He passes through its gate and up to the second tier but there the wards hold him from entering Moonwood itself. He turns and moves to exit the Cemetery when one of the tombstones cracks. He turns to look at the name. It reads ARGUS. His eyes widen and he steps back as the grave bursts open and a skeletal figure climbs out.
"Shiver you FIEND!" it shouts. "A thousand deaths will not be enough to stop me!"
"Argus" he hisses, "did you lose weight?" and he unslings his spear.
The Skeletal body of Argus begins to fill with dirt and root quickly regenerating to a more human like appearance. "Joke while you can Shadeson. I'll soon cut that grin from your face." and he pulls a rusty bastard sword free.
The two clash in battle. At first Shiver has the advantage, pushing Argus back leaving him only time to defend, but soon you see that Argus is only defending and not attacking every second regenerating to a human form and even his sword becomes cleaner and sharper. Then the battle turns and Argus presses the attack, each blow stunning Shiver and causing him to loose his balance.
"I'll end you now" Says Argus delivering a powerful strike that sends Shiver back ten feet.
"Not tonight" replies Shiver as he touches a skull on his belt. "Xanos, BONE CALL!"
The Cemetery shakes as three mummy like guardians emerge from the earth and pounce on the once Knight.
Argus hacks one in half but the other two pull him down. He throws one aside and then pins the third to the earth with his blade but Shiver has retreated through a witchgate.
"Fool!" Argus shouts holding out his left hand. Seven human blue eyes open on his fingers and palm "I will always know where you are. I will awaken my men and I will come for you. I WILL ALWAYS COME FOR YOU!"

Time passes and you see Argus traveled to Crossroads and lands far away assembling his Shadow Company and beginning his hunt for the Ghoul King once more. They even follow Shiver and his band of ghouls into the Spirit Realm where they meet Kelloran and Stone. They rejoice when the two adventurers destroy the Runic Blade and keep it out of the hands of the Ghoul King. As Shiver departs the Spirit Realm, Shadow Company is quickly on their heels once more.

As the eye fades you see that Argus and Shiver are flip sides of the same soulless coin. Whether it be as Revenant or Ghoul, you can see the horror that will come when the SOUL DIES!